To Sunsets and Beyond…

The seed that germinates in the soil so warm,
The ancient carriers of messages in dust,
Hugs it tight and brings it dreams,
Of fields green and the skies golden,
The seed slowly pops out the ground,
A baby before and a tree now,
And accumulates within the enigmas of the world,
The beating heart and the formless soul,
That travels the annals of time,
And the waves blue,
It survives and brings shade to the little on the ground,
A thousand years and countless memories later,
The seed it completes its life here,
For one last time it sees the Sun going down the Horizon,
The wind that will hit it not again,
The birds that will nest on branches other,
It closes its eyes and tries to sleep,
As slowly it dissolves into the ground,
The dust, the Earth, The Universe its very own……

With tears in our eyes and trembling hands, we bid goodbye to Joy on this 16th. It was painful to see him go and it won’t be easy. Seeing him everyday was a habit and now that we cannot see him anymore, pains us beyond repair. Some would think how can an animal who cannot talk or express their emotions can become someone so special, maybe I cannot explain that to you. It is a privilege to have witnessed a life grow in-front you and become something so special. Dogs(for me) will always be more than many people roaming this earth because they love you without asking for anything. They don’t need any branded clothes or any clothes for that matter. They will eat the simplest of foods and still come to you wagging their tails. It’s something that words can never do justice to. Pets complete our lives in ways that many couldn’t. 

We tried our best to help Joy recover from whatever ailed him but to no avail. It was like his life was serious to us only. But none of that matters now as he finally has found peace and we hope that he rests in peace. 

He was born of dust and now maybe the soil will bring him dreams of fields that have no fences or borders or people that want to chase him away. He can live his dreams that we saw him dream as he ran in his sleep and moved his legs. 

I thank you all who had shown empathy towards Joy and I thought it was deserving of you to know what happened with him. 

Joy shall always remain the perfect family member.