
कुछ ख़ामोश में था,

कुछ बेरुख़ी शायद उन्हें थी,

बारिशें हो तो रही थीं,

पर कुछ नमी कम थी,

कुछ ख़ामोश में था,

कुछ बेरुख़ी शायद उन्हें थी…..


As the time slowly crept,

Days, nights, years,

Sometimes too fast,

And too mellow,

I ran from the things along,

Sometimes a herd of unknown,

Sometimes those known unknown,

Desires sometimes pulled me down,

Just normal human desires,

A craving for human touch,

An ear to listen,

A mouth to kiss,

I ran from places of joy,

Of merry and ploy,

And into abyss,

Or sometimes decay,

Of the body,

The soul,

When clouds would thunder,

Over my horizons,

I would sometimes wonder,

Maybe this is the apocalypse,

The night for the new beginning,

And pull over my blanket,

For I was scared,

Maybe I am scared,

And as I run,

To a place even I don’t see clear,

The storm brewing inside my chest,

The numb of my senses,

The ghosts of my past,

The devils of my present,

The Noah of my future,

Maybe this is the way it is supposed to be,

Face it,

Sprint away,

Maybe the confusion shall always remain,

Or maybe I’ll run again……