Hello There…!!!

I have never done this kind of post before and I think it’s high time I do one. (Or I’ll keep on procrastinating this.)

Hi, I am Kumar Harsh. I am a Civil Engineer (Although an Accidental One ;-)) and currently trying my hand at everything ( I guess 22 previous years were a rather mundane one). Serious writing came to me when one day a friend of mine suggested me to start a blog and here I am. wp_002098

I have lived at many places ( owing to the God’s Plan to not let me settle at a place) which has made me like every place and I have a rather wandering spirit. I have seen places which I had dreams of and places where entry was restricted( almost making me run for my life. haha). My love for trying out new things have made my room a collection of many things (including a number of books which I haven’t yet read).  I used to be a chubby kid once( I still am but a little less than before. haha) then I got into a gym and the rest is History.(Miracles Happen! haha) It was the gym that made me develop some good habits that made me control my eating habits(Although I still can finish an entire pizza by myself and still be hungry for more. My soul feeds on Junk food. But more particularly food.) The first thing I tried to learn was Bhangra( An Indian Form of dance.) It was a fun exercise. Also I took some classes Of Salsa( But my fear of the Other gender made me abstain from it.) It was the first time I ever held the hand of a girl.(Yes, I admit. I am still terrible with people other than of the same gender as me. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ )


And then I wanted to learn a new language and I did it. I am addicted to some brands and more of a brand person loyal to a particular brand. Be it clothes, accessories or even cameras, if I love one brand nothing comes in my way. But I am always open to trying out new things.

Recently me and my friend, we got a liking for Tennis and let me tell you its an amazing game. Although I am not a master but I love playing it.


I also have a penchant for driving and have driven sometimes even a complete day. But the only requirement is that Music should be playing loud in the background. Oh and by music, music is my second love( first would be food because without food i cannot function). At Home, I have a variety of instruments ranging from a violin, a guitar, flutes, tabla and I am in talks with the High Command( In this case my father) to get a harmonium or a piano.


You all must be wondering why I have attached so many pictures of me in this post. Well I wanted you people to see what the power of change can do (just kidding, it looked cool. haha)

These are some of the transformations I tried on myself. The last ones were really difficult. I feared of being thrown out of the house. My parents don’t consider me as their son. I am now of a religion different as them.(That’t what they say when I go with them for any function) But I am really stubborn and do things any way.

so,this was a little of me. You’ll find more on the journey with me.

Leave a comment below. I am sure we must have something in common. Who knows we might click. As I did with so many wonderful people I found here. ๐Ÿ™‚


Thank You for all the love and support. Without YOU this was not possible.

