The Sunshine Blogger Award

I say it most of the times that appreciation can catalyse a small step towards a hefty leap. Taking this in consideration I really want to thank Jyotee for thinking of me being capable to be nominated for this award. You have really boosted my Morale.

The winds of change had brought a grain of sand with them. It was the same as the ones lying where it fell. Forces worked on it, made it rumble, made it wobble. But it stayed there. Rain washed the entire place for decades, leaving no stone unturned, life had no answer to Nature’s fury.

Something changed that day. The grain of sand fell something rise beneath it. It was something very delicate, something greeny. It grew quickly than the hurricanes that had tormented the grain till now. Who are you friend? the grain had asked.

Look above I am the Sun.

Thank you Once again Jyotee.


  1. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Nominate some wonderful bloggers and write 11 questions for them to answer.


Here are my answers to the questions.

1.What do you write and Why do u write?

I write anything and everything. Be it stories, quotes, poems. The reason I write is that it becomes impossible for me to store everything in mind. Something has to come out on the paper.


2.Who are you n where do u belong to?

I am Kumar Harsh, an Engineer by profession. I belong to Chandigarh, India.


3.What do you love beside writing?

I have a penchant for music and taking photographs. In free time I like to sing or play violin or guitar or put my cooking skills to test.


4.What is your ultimate aim in life?

My ultimate aim in life is to be at a position from where I can help anyone with their problems. I want to play a better role for the planet.


5.Are you single, in a relationship or married?

I am Single. Haha. 😉


6.What is the best thing about you?

I have been told that I am a really sensitive person. I think that’s the best thing about me.


7.Which is your favorite book and why?

I am not much into reading. But I really liked the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari By Robin Sharma. It is a book that gives you practical solutions to some very basic problems of life and is very relatable.


8.Who is your idol?

My parents are my idol.


9.Give some tips on becoming a good writer.

Just keep on writing.


10.What would you do if you were the last person in world?

If I was the last person in the world, I would shut down all the machines for a while. We are missing on peace. Don’t we?


11.How many friends and fans do u have? Describe your best friend.

Everyone I meet is a friend. I have many appreciators.:-)

My bestfriend is like other bestfriends. Completely stupid. 😉

just kidding, he is the best. 🙂


My nominees are:












Darkland poetry

Be prepared. My set of questions…

  1. Describe Yourself.
  2. Where do you belong from?
  3. Which is the place to visit from where you belong?
  4. Will you Show me around? 😉
  5. Do you own a pet? If yes, then which pet?
  6. Describe your pet.
  7. A walk in the sand or drive in the hills. Pick one.
  8. The one change you want to bring in yourself.
  9. The most adventurous thing you ever did.
  10. Are you a night person or day person?
  11. Definitions of love for you.



Hoping the best for all of you.

Thank you..




The days of the dark….

The skies today carry a something magical,
And I am here holding your hand with a smile so fantastical,
Everyday we wake upto days that test us,
Prepare the will, make the best of us,
These Days bring with them the gift of experience,
Every passing day we keep on on adding something to this experience,
We grow, we learn, we fall, we rise,
Everyday is a gift,
We sometimes cannot see clearly,
There will be times when these days will be cruel,
Will hurt you, maybe even make you fall,
But these days are limited,
Sufferings are limited,
The days of dark always end,
With a sunlight far so transcend,
Smile away these days,
Remember we learn only from our mistakes,
We fall to rise,
We break to reorganise,
We jump to fly,
We shout to cry,
Remember everything happens for a reason,
The dark comes to make space for light,
The leaves die only to make space for the new bright,
The world rotates to be alive,
And you are still thinking about the days when no none was alive,
So stop here,
Let the mind think again,
Let the old be forgotten,
Learn from mistakes,
Forgive those who couldn’t understand,
You are an individual,
The most beautiful creations of the heavenly,
Far too intricate, sophisticated and yet too simple and serene.