Him and Her….

As his hands mapped the curves on her body,
Untouched, unkissed, unexplored by any being before,
She skirmished with her sensuousness,
The righteousness that had prevailed with her,
Just before this moment,
He slowly tried to moisten her fields,
Rain had barely touched her,
Barren, unkept, unused,
Water eroded her,
Brought floods, upheaval, destroyed her everytime,
She had closed her eyes,
Never before something had touched her,
Without an intention to unravel her,
Only to leave her in pieces thousands and more,
But his touch seemed different,
Or maybe the moment felt a little translucent,
She wanted to be touched,
Not because she needed it,
For long she had lived in a dilemma,
Her needs had been since buried six feet deep,
Her heart wanted it,
So did her mind,
The body allowed him to continue tethering her to himself,
The distance crept between them,
Until an atoms thickness,
Till the union of time and space,
Him too had started to lose his consciousness,
She was too powerful for him,
But he knew he could drive his sails through her storms,
Her needs had started to become his,
Her storms his,
In a way the Sun meets the Earth,
The Horizon turns red,
The stars twinkle,
And the Moon witness of them,
A fusion of two celestials,
An affair of the ages,
A story to be told a million times,
And maybe more,
Her and him,
Him and her,
The story of the day,
Her geography became his art,
Her body his biggest canvas…….