Can I Wish..?

I wish you could speak some more,
The movement of your lips,
The rotations of the Earth,
The words fall from your lustrous lips,
Onto these ordinary ears,
Drops of water on the leaves,

I wish you could laugh some more,
The play that unravels,
Cosmic and divine,
My heart stops to beat,
The morning Azaan of the distant priest,

I wish you could sing some more,
The rain water gushes through the meadows,
Rumbling the slumbering stones,
Salvation is what fills them,
Takes them to the oceans,

I wish you could kiss some more,
The moist of the morning,
Refreshing and necessary,
The dreams of the night,
The freedom of tomorrow,

I wish I could wish some more,
These words are an insult,
To the picture of you,
This mind has it all captured,
Infinite and in my wrist,

I wish to stop,
This landslide of emotions,
Gravity has helped its flow,
Incompetent I become,
But you already know it all…….

राज़ गेहरा….

हर उम्र में छुपा है,
कोई राज़ गेहरा,
शब्दों से कोई,
तो करता है इशारों से बेपरदा,
में निकलता हूँ बाज़ारों से जब भी,
कुछ गुनगुना सी देतीं हैं,
आवाज़ें अनसुनी,
कोई चर्चा,
कोई क़िस्सा,
समेट के रख लेता हूँ उन आवाज़ों को झोले में अपने,
ना जाने किस उम्र में शब्दों का लिबास ओढ़ कर,
ये आ जाएँ ज़ुबान पे मेरी,
या फ़िर ग़ुम हो जाएँ इन सिलवटों पे मेरी,
क्या नहीं छुपा मुझमें भी कोई राज़ गेहरा….?

Lord O Lord… 

O Lord O Lord, 
Give me the strength to stand, 
When I fall, 
Bruised with wounds of my deeds, 
I lose faith, 

Want to close my eyes, 
The injustice in front of me, 
Dumb I become, 
Blinded by my ego, 
I see no one, 
Make me fall, 
So I see I am a speck, 
No identity, 
Nothing special, 

Give me pain, 
So I feel, 
This body is temporary, 

Don’t be a support to me, 
Let me make my own stand, 
Let me improvise, 
A boil there, 
A spoil there, 
A tattered shirt, 
A worn out shoe, 
The scent of blood and sweat, 
The nectar of success,
When I win, 
Don’t let it stay for long, 
Bring a new challenge, 
Something to learn again from, 
Change the rules of the game, 
Maybe fair, may sometimes be unfair, 
But let the Sun shine, 
Let the darkness stay not for long, 

Send me hope, 
Maybe family, maybe friends, 
Or maybe someone not known, 
I am a vessel of hopes and despair, 
Prick me with holes, 
Of sizes unknown, 
Let me leak, 
Let me bleach, 
Till the colors become my own, 

The winds by my side, 
Days when the winds may take a rest, 
Send me a letter, 
Sincerely yours, 

The dreams I see, 
The goals I set, 
Give me the courage, 
So they can live, 

Lord O Lord, 
Be with me, 
But stay away, 
Let me see, 
The God in me….. 

Shahz had asked me to do a quote challenge, I couldn’t write a quote but this is a poem I had an idea about for sometime now. Please do check her. She is amazing with words… 


A pandal being set up for a Satsang. People seek religion when they are frightened. Fear is a musky business.
A Happy World Photography Day to everyone out there. Each one of us is a photographer. Celebrate the photographer in you.